We usually say
„Give little boy that toy! “, „Let girl to ride your bike, she’s small.“, and
famouse „Don’t be selfish!“. Now I’m asking you- what would you do if you are
my friend, and we prepare for going out. You show me the dress you’ll wear, but
I like it also, and I ask you to give it to me. You, of course, don’t want
that, and then I say „How selfish you are!“. Don’t you dare to say „I don’t
share my wardrobe!“, I can use some other example.
The point is that
it’s not necessary to learn your kid to share. I mean- you, only you. First,
latera, they’ll understand it’s the way to get something they want (yes, it’s
manipulation- horrible, but necessary), other, this can be double-edged sword.
There are some
examples, and they will show you why is OK not to share:
- If you most of the time spend saying your kid „Share this, share that!“, it might looks like you care more on what other parents think of you, rather anything more on world. Nobody wants to hear that his kid is impolite or selfish.
- Younger kids don’t get it why is shering so important. They love something, they play with it, and then came some occupire who wants to kidnap his „thing“. No way, mister! It’s my, end of period! Honestly, if your kid start to defend his property, it’s disclose strong character. So, don’t try to break that.
- If you’ll be so hard trying to force your kid to share everything, don’t be suprise if you discover one day that he/she become weak man/women, who can be lead by anyone.
- Kids must to argue, sometimes....and, someone must win! And you- stay out of that! They must solve problem alone.
- Some things we don’t share, e.g. some food. „Give me a bit!“ when I eat hamburger or apple, was unpleasant for me. It’s OK to share Pringles or M&M, but It’s not OK to give “a bite” of their sandwich. Explain them reason why (helth, hygiene….)
- Life is struggle! Fight for yourself!
No one become selfish, because, when he was 3, did not let other kids drive his bike!
Consider this, as your excuse in front of yourselves, if you'll feel
shame next time when your kid start yelling
on other kid who try to take his toy. Sometimes the best way is- ignore.
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