Jun 16, 2014

Lalaloopsy Doll

Asja loves Lalaloopsy dolls, but, they are very expensive (for me), so I decided to make one for her. This one is "original", because all Lalaloopsy dolls are inspired with rag dolls. And I made this, pretty recycling doll. 


Pattern, a little bit imprecisely, but OK.

Head, torso, hands and legs made from my old white dress.

It seems like this, when I sewed the pieces and twisted them in the face.

Then I fill them up (with the old pillow filling), each leg and hand independent, then head and torso, and put all pieces together.

Later, I removed "first look", and put silk socks (colore- nude), over head and torso, so I make appropriate color for the face. I didn't do that with hands and legs, it was very complicated. I only stitched again hands, this time better, because it didn't look good from the first try.


Most of the time I spent on hair. 

I packed hair based on picture given below. 

You make hair in two parts, plus ponytails.


Suit is you choose, whatever you want. I made blouse, skirt and scarf from some old fabrics. Oh yes, tights!

Tights was very sweet, I made it from Asjas old tights.

This is final product. You can add some accessories, bows, hair pins... Of course, with black pen draw famouse Lalaloopsy eyelashes. I hope Asja will love it.

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